Our Product

Our Product

Aivonda® Tri-Phytoestrogen™ Age-Defying & Instant Revitalisation Cream
Age Is Now Just A Number. Really.
Wish those unwanted wrinkles, fine-lines, hyper-pigmentation, acne and blemishes would stop appearing on your skin? Now, you can turn your dreams into reality because ageing has finally found its match in Aivonda’s Tri-Phytoestrogen™ Age-Defying and Instant Revitalisation Cream!

To help you in your age-defying battle on two fronts, Aivonda® has blended a miracle ingredient – Tri-Phytoestrogen™ – along with a blend of other nature’s gifts to present Age-Defying and Instant Revitalisation Cream! Using our patented revolutionary N.A.D System® and Phytexcell Extraction Technology, Aivonda® Tri-Phytoestrogen™ Age-Defying & Instant Revitalisation Cream is produced from 100 % natural ingredients. This product takes beauty beyond superficial aesthetic benefits – by serving as an organic catalyst, curbing your PMS and menopausal symptoms, while enhancing your physical female form – all at the same time!
Aivonda® Tri-phytoestrogen™ Age Defying and Instant Revitalisation Cream is a high-performance, multi-functional beauty companion you can trust because it:
  • Enables the infusion of rich moisture into your skin instantly, providing an unprecedented feeling of suppleness.
  • Energizes your skin intensively and dramatically refines your skin texture by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, hyper-pigmentation, acne, blemishes and sagging while maintaining long lasting moisture for resilience, smoothness and radiance for a silky, vibrant, youthful look.
  • Protects your dermal structures from environmental damage by functioning as an anti-oxidants which reduces premature skin aging.
  • Stimulates collagen formation and improves your skin elasticity.
  • Helps to balance estrogen levels with no adverse side effects.
  • Preserves the natural beauty of the individual by healing the body from inside out.
  • Consists of 100% natural ingredients with no chemically synthesized components, no animal testing, no artificial colouring, no offensive odours and no chemical preservatives.

希望那些皱纹、细纹、色素沉着,黑头粉刺和脸部瑕疵的问题停止在您的肌肤上出现吗?现在您将梦想成真,因为肌肤衰退老化的扰人问题终于碰到了克星 ~ Aivonda®《三重植物雌激素》抗老复活驻颜霜。

为了帮助您跨越年龄界限,站在最前线与年龄抗战,Aivonda® 混合了多种神奇天然成分 ~ 《三重植物雌激素》以及其他大自然精华融合提炼而成的抗老复活驻颜霜!采用了我们专利研发的革新纳米技术分解系统N.A.D System®Phytexcell萃取技术,Aivonda®《三重植物雌激素》抗老复活驻颜霜含100%的天然成分。此产品把《美》提升至超越肤浅的审美层次 ~ 以最根本的有机催化剂,在同时间控制您的经前综合症和更年期症状,并增强您的女性生理特征!

  • 高度保湿效果,发挥强力锁水功效,肌肤持续水嫩有光泽,让您感受到前所未有的柔嫩感。
  • 给予您肌肤青春活力,肌肤更紧致健康。明显地细化及抚平细纹和改善皱纹、有效对抗色素沉着、黑头粉刺、脸部瑕疵和皮肤松弛的问题,同时持久的水分滋润加强了肌肤弹性、柔滑及光泽,瞬间展现您青春活力的亮丽新风采。
  • 作为一种抗氧化剂,它能保护皮肤结构免受环境的损害及避免皮肤过早老化现象。
  • 刺激胶原蛋白的形成,增强皮肤弹性。
  • 在没有不利副作用的前提下协助平衡雌激素。
  • 由内至外的美丽疗效以呈现个人体态的健康自然美。
  • 100的天然成分、无化学合成成分、无动物测试、不含人工色素、无难闻臭味及无添加化学防腐剂。

Vital Ingredients
Tri-Phytoestrogen™ This miracle ingredient formed out of a meticulous fusion of Soy Isoflavones, Pueraria Mirifica (White Kwao Krua) and Wild Yam protects your dermal structures from external environmental damage by accelerating your skin’s natural renewal cycle to effectively repress aging symptoms such as wrinkles, fine-lines, hyper-pigmentation, acne and blemishes.  

The Aivonda® Difference
Albeit the exponential benefits inherent in the individual key ingredients, Soy Isoflavones, Pueraria Mirifica (White Kwao Krua) and Wild Yam, our scientists have also discovered that each of these ingredient extracts does not provide stable and high-efficacy results when utilized on its own. However, with the combination of these three elements, Aivonda® has managed to formulate a three-in-one organic formula which stabilizes the efficacy of isoflavones, as well as harness the respective nourishments of the other vital ingredients by combining these three together in carefully-measured quantities – to resolve the puzzle and more importantly, uncover one of the biggest secrets of nature. Our triumph? Aivonda® Tri-Phytoestrogen™ Age-Defying & Instant Revitalisation Cream.
与众不同的 Aivonda®
关键成分大豆异黄酮,泰国野葛根(白高颗)和野山药都有个别固有疗效。但我们的科学家发现,这些成分各自使用的疗效会呈现出不稳定和低效果的现象,而必须组合这三种要素成分在同一个配方里,才可以发挥完美的互补与加乘功效。然而,在组合了这三个要素成分之后,Aivonda® 成功地研制了一套31有机方程式以稳定异黄酮之效能,并搭配其他几种天然有效成分,精心测量地结合各自的活性成分与剂量比例来解决这一道难题。更重要的是,我们也同时发掘了大自然的最大秘密。我们的胜利品? Aivonda® 《三重植物雌激素》抗老复活驻颜霜

Use every morning and night, after cleansing. Take an appropriate amount onto fingertips, and gently smooth over face,
  • For optimal desired results, take a generous amount of cream and apply below your collarbone (where our immune systems hub is located) and inner arms (vital lymph node regions) and massage in a circular motion; Phyto-estrogens can now be effectively transported to other parts of your body.
